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Standing Strong


Standing Strong
Tell me my friend
how do you stand so strong
when the world is in chaos
when things go wrong?
Where do you find your strength
the courage to hold on?
At what point do you say
that’s enough?
At what point
does life get too rough?
You emblazon the sign of hope
but when is the end reached
on your emotional rope?
At what point do you crack?
When does it become too much?
Why do you not lash back?
Or let go of the hope that you clutch?
I watch
I wonder
I try to exemplify
just what I hear
I see
the example you give
the standards you set store by.
Then one day I see you cry
and instead of asking why
you let your emotions flow
reliving moments
where you felt an emotional blow.
It took quite a while to see
that letting such emotions flow
was a form of maturity.
That not fighting
not blaming
not shaming
can indeed set you free.
For strength and power
is not always aggressive
to be silent and not shout
doesn’t mean you’re submissive.
And eventually, one day
when years may have passed
don’t be surprised
if someone comes up to you and asks…
How do you stand so strong
when your world is in chaos
when things go wrong?
Where do you get your strength?
How do you hold on?
And when this happens
when their world is so dark
when they are losing heart
what wisdom would you then hope
or wish to impart?
Words © August 2014 Michelle Payne
Picture found circulating freely online
